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2019 NOMOS Limited Edition

I need your help guys!

I thought it’d be fun to do a little poll on which limited launched in the past year is best. I’m still trying to figure out which plug-in or website works best for this, but in the meanwhile I have already compiled a list of limited edition NOMOS watches launched in 2019. But please do me a favor – please check to see if any are missing (all links to their respective WatchBase entries);

101.S17 Tangente Loki Schmidt

101.S18 Tangente Glück Auf

123.S10 Tangente 33 Four Seasons Fall / Akane

123.S11 Tangente 33 Four Seasons Spring / Enju

139.S18 Tangente 35 Four Seasons Fall / Akane

139.S19 Tangente 35 Four Seasons Winter / Yakusugi

139.S20 Tangente 35 Four Seasons Spring / Enju

139.S50 Tangente 35 Antoine de Macedo Saint-Germain Paris

140.S2 Tangente Neomatik 39 Ärzte ohne Grenzen

140.S3 Tangente Neomatik 39 Red Dot 2019 Commemorative Edition Salmon

140.S4 Tangente Neomatik 39 Red Dot 2019 Commemorative Edition Silver

140.S5 Tangente Neomatik 39 Red Dot 2019 Commemorative Edition Ruthenium

140.S6 Tangente Neomatik 39 Red Dot 2019 Commemorative Edition Blue

164.S13 Tangente 38 Four Seasons Summer / Ai

175.S2 Tangente Neomatik Ärzte ohne Grenzen

501.S6 Tangente Sport Hodinkee                                                       

601.S10 Tangomat A Century of Bauhaus Red

601.S11 Tangomat A Century of Bauhaus Blue

601.S12 Tangomat A Century of Bauhaus Yellow

601.S13 Tangomat für Ärzte ohne Grenzen

641.S1 Tangomat Glück Auf

708.S2 Club Campus 36 National Breast Cancer Foundation

736.S2 Club Campus 38 National Breast Cancer Foundation

737.RE Club Campus 38 Relojes Especiales (S1?)

737.S2 Club Campus 38 J9

772.S1 Club Automat Datum Troverie

805.S21 Zürich Weltzeit Amsterdam