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kevin lo & the nomos club

Kevin Lo a.k.a. The_Vintage_Guy

One of my favorite accounts on Instagram is without a doubt Kevin’s, who goes by the handle the_vintage_guy. I met Kevin many years ago when he was on a city trip to Amsterdam whilst studying in Europe. Kevin since moved back to Taiwan, and he’s a dentist now. But that’s not all…

Besides being a dentist Kevin is also a very talented photographer, with a keen eye for color and composition. And when he puts his photography towards his passion for watches, it results in some truly great pics. He makes the watches come alive by putting them on the wrist of -often very stylish- friends and collectors, in an effortless style that blends watchnerd’ism with fashion and lifestyle. It’s like street style photography, but then with watches. And nice watches too!

Not too long ago Kevin recently told me that he’d like to make more of a name for himself as a photographer. I had recently spotted a NOMOS Club worn by his friend Charles (@Littlefatyaa) on his profile, so why not do a shoot for Minimatikal? I am now both proud and humbled to present these pics. Thank you Kevin!

If you’re ever in need of a photographer – do consider The_Vintage_Guy!